Services — MyWorkplace

Services that maximise your ROI


MyWorkplace offers a lifetime of service & support with our range of products 


Our philosophy is to work in partnership with our customers.  We assist them with problem solving and achieving goals.  We recognise that the product is only part of the solution; support is imperative, and obtaining optimum return on your investment in our technology.

Our team will guide you through the entire implementation process from project management and product installation to end user training.  The team are well trained and highly skilled in what they do.  They're labour management specialists who understand the unique and complex challenges you face on a day-to-day basis.


Range of Services


Software Maintenance


We believe you should be able to tailor your maintenance support to your unique business requirements


We've established three levels of software maintenance for you:


Basic Maintenance entitles you to limited access to the MyWorkplace Helpdesk plus access to software upgrades at a nominal fee. 

This level of maintenance is designed for those clients who are basically self sufficient in the use of their software but like the security of knowing someone is at the other end of the phone if required. 


Standard Maintenance entitles you to more access time to the MyWorkplace Helpdesk.  You also receive all MyWorkplace software upgrades at no charge. 

Most MyWorkplace clients opt for a Standard Maintenance Agreement.


Premium Maintenance is aimed at the client who wants unlimited access to the MyWorkplace Helpdesk and believes their organisation needs special attention. 

As well as encompassing the features of the standard agreement, a premium agreement will provide you with 4 hours of free onsite consulting or training every quarter.



MyWorkplace offers hardware maintenance agreements.  These provide for a minimum of one preventative maintenance visit on every one of your clocking devices.  If you believe your environment necessitates more than one visit, then hardware maintenance covers you for the cost of repairs in the event of hardware failure.